Well I know that a picture is worth a thousand words, but today I have to write a thousand words...
We were too busy, and forgot to take pictures. So I'll have to describe everything....Sorry guys/gals.... But our guests took some pictures which will be up on Monday.We did not :(

We were cleaning the mess the big storm left the night before. There were a lot of branches, leafs, papers and other stuff. I was just opening the jar of Slatko (local specialty made out of sugar and fruits, very sweet and with a nice delicate taste. It is a custom to serve it when guests arrive.) When they parked in front of our house they were so delighted to be here and a bit quizee and tired after a three hour drive.
I offered some breakfast and only Pedja accepted the offer..... Oh how rude of me.... Our guests were Pedja and Jelena... Well to cut the long story even longer... :)
We all ended up eating Kulen (local spicy smoked sausage), Kajmak (dairy product made out of cooked milk) that I made myself, fresh buttermilk, tomatoes, peppers, sausage.... and so on...
And we showed them the house. Well the point of our house is to show people how can a modern family live with tradition and nature.
After all of that information and some fresh air we decided to go for a walk to the ethno house on Dunavac.
Dunavac is actually a part of Danube that is left behind after the building of regulation channels.

We spent there about an hour sitting there drinking walnut liqueur and elder-berry juice.
Than it was time to go back to our house for lunch. Ladies and the baby went home but Pedja and I went to see the corn fields. Why? Well for the strangest reason…. To see how much one can see through the cornfields. For all of those who complain that in the war games that the line of sight is wrong. Yes, peeps it is wrong you cant see more than meter or two through cornfield!! (Picture and edit on Monday).

Paprikas is traditional dish of these parts. It is made in a small cauldron with meat and paprika and vegetables and it is cooked over the fire. It is garnished with pasta that is buckshot shaped. It about an hour to cook, and after that long wait, we all started eating like crazy. It was so good but Pedja waited for the finale!! Pancakes!!!! Yes, Yes….. With homemade jam!How the time flies when people are having fun. Our friends from the village came for the pancakes, too. And till one says “Antidisestablishmentarianism” sun started to set and Pedja and Jelena had to go back to Belgrade.
Finally we were alone…and guess what?!?! With a company of the mountain of dishes to play with! No dish-washing machine Cowboy, no dish-washing machine….So the online game started… I was washing the dishes than my wife killed flies that gathered in the kitchen(cause we forgot to put the curtain over the door after the storm, and the nature is ruthless, you forget you pay for it), then when I got tired I killed flies and she washed….We got 15400 points and a high score….I started writing this blog but was too tired to finish.
Dead tired we went to bed.
Now the next morning the perspective is as follows: It was such a great day and we had so much fun!!! And everybody was so happy and weather was fine and even the dishes were washed in a cool atmosphere!! Such a perfect day!!!
I’m only sorry for the lack of photos (there will be some on Monday), but next time we’ll be better prepared.
Or even better!! Come and live one of those days, and then you won’t need photos!!
So see ya later folks!!! And remember come and visit us and feel how it is living as a City Cowboy.
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