Yesterday was Sunday!!! Well maybe not in the calendar bud for us it was. We just woke up feeling tired and aching and decided to christen this day Sunday (even though it was Wednesday).

Well still a lot happened even tough we were not officially doing anything :)
The builder came to finish removing the concrete from the front wall of our house. He eve tried with an old axe. The problem was that the concrete was made to last, and to be there even
when the house is long gone. Hmmm, sometime

My son had a great day! While his mom was on the market he had a very educational time with his dad.

He learned what are Star Wars Miniatures and happily driven the in their transporter!!!

While crawling around the house he found out my guitar so and tried to strike a tune but he failed... Sorry little guy, you can't learn everything in 11 months!! :)
In the evening, we went and visited our friends here. They showed us a new info center in the village, which is being refurbished for the purpose of informing all the people who want to come and visit the village on all the tourist activities and capacity in Backi Monostor. If you think of some glass/steel/concrete building, you are apsolutely and totally wrong!
It is an old rural house with all the furniture and surroundings preserved, just one room will be the office where computers and all the necessary stuff for the info center will be nicely fit in, so modern and the ancient will come together in unity.
Hope it will be ready soon and I'll post some pictures.
After that I went to get fresh milk and eggs from my friends mother's farm, and got some peppers from her as a gift!!! It was so nice of her.
Came back to friends house and we all had a long chat about future of tourism in Backi Monostor and surroundings, and what will be our part in it.
Hope that you, dear reader will come and visit us and be the part of that future!! :)
City Cowboy, over and out for today. Tomorrow is Monday, remember! :)
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