Winter is approaching!! City Cowboy is into getting his fire wood sorted out... But it is a hell of a big job for a dude, who lived on a second floor all of his life, surrounded by concrete!!! People this is heavy stuff don't try this at home! :...) But after a hard day work you realize that you have done something amazing!
This morning a builder came, to remove some decoration piece from 70' which was made from concrete and ground granite. The trick with it is that it lets the moisture in but is not letting it out so all the rain and water is staying in the wall and making a mess because our house is made

So, the poor guy was pounding all day at the concrete till his arms hurt so much that he had to stop.Unfortunately there is no machine that can do that job. And it is impossible to make one, cause it needs a feeling how hard to hit and not to damage the brittle bricks and the material under them. So it is all in the skilled,strong and very persistent hands of a builder.
Yours truly had just a simple task to clean the concrete. But in a true fashion of a City Cowboy i managed to break the shaft of the only shovel we had and had to ride the bicycle to the shop to change it.
And as we speak of breaking, I broke my only usable axe chopping wood.

Today breaking is my middle name , or I'm becoming stronger.... :)
You sure are becoming stronger...I can tell :)