Roller-coaster Ride(Long time no see... Here, time before the computer is currently a big luxury. So many interesting things happened in last few weeks, so it looked to us that we are on one Roller Coaster Ride. For your convenience I'll split last three weeks in couple chapters of the same episode, casue I know how much precious time it is for you. This way you can read couple minutes a day our blog and not spend whole day reading just one post. Thank you for reading this blog.
Chapter 1Coming of the Martians.... ahem Guests (Never listen to Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds while writing your blog!!! :) )
Who would have believed that in the beginning of the 21. Century we will be having guests from Poland and be called to the International Channel Conference..... (Wow again...)
And the adventure started...

We decided to finaly paint the guest room and make it neat and cozy. Painting the walls just revealed how little do we know.... We found out the hard way that our walls were not painted with lime but with acrilics. After a hot and hard night of painting everything was in vain. Next morning i had to do everything again. That day we got a call from our friend Zdenka and she told us that that there will be a Channel conference in Belgrade but the participants of the conference will be staying in near by Bezdan to see one of the oldest levees built by non other but Eiffel himself.

There will be a presentation of the local villages that the channels run through and of course Monostor lies on three of them so our presentation will be there, too. Presentation was super!!! In the wonderful scenery of the channel and the levee every village brought out what they are famous for.

Monostor brought Walnut liquer, boats, different folk handicraft and even our neighbor brought a boat. He builds boats in traditional way and they are so amazing. (Hope in some near future I'll make an episode in his shop).

Village of Kolut made the presentation of their zoo and their interesting cuisine that is the mixture of cuisine from Lika (Croatia) where their ancestors originally came from and local cuisine,that though the ages became very specific and unique.

We especially liked their cheeses and salty pastry that go perfectly together. We met so many nice people there and they were so friendly.

Unfortunately guests were late and as soon they arrived we had to go :( But there were people from all over the world. Better luck next time :( But one guy had such a great time playing in the grass... :)

And oh yes back to the preparations!!!After painting the walls we noticed that linoleum that was on the floor looked a bit dodgy. We lifted it up and found that underneath it is totally destroyed!! We took everything out a threw it away. Long scraping of the floor ate so much of our precious time.

But kids from the neighborhood, curious as all kids are came to see what we were doing and to play with Leo.

And again our yard became a kindergarten. But we needed a little rest from the hard work. Kids here are a bit shy, but are eager to learn new things. Now almost all of them learned to count to ten in English and to light fire with sticks from us. It was such fun playing with them.
Next morning I went to buy a carp for Riblji Papikas, cause I know that Anna loves it.
And yeah I got a nice one kilo carp and yeah I had to clean it and cut it. So I took my mobile and called my granny, as every city cowboy would do when in a problem (nothing without technology). She explained to me how to do it but she couldn't explain, of course, how hard is gently :).

And in the process I managed to cut the channel that leads to gallbladder (after that neighbor told me that that is one in a million chance, general even experienced fisherman cut the gallbladder itself). My world came to an end at that moment.As I opened the fishes stomach greenish yellow fluid started flowing mixed with blood. I quickly overcame the initial disgust and put my finger in the fishes guts to check my fears. Yes, sharp bitter taste rouse through my pellets, tongue and nose. God almighty, what would I do now!! The whole fish is ruined!!
But my luck quickly changed, our nebouir Jelica saw me over the fence despairing in the garden where I cleaned the fish.

And she asked me what I was doing and I told her the story. She just smiled and said that it happenes to her even after all this time as a house wife. She told me to put the pieces of the fish in the very cold water and before the cooking of frying put salt on it and there will be no bitterness. I did what she told me but still was afraid and anxious cause I wanted to please our guests. They are the fist guests from abroad that came to see how it is to be the city cowboy and I was on the good darn road to blow it.
Will the the City Cowboy be able to save the day and the lunch?!? Will Leo the Biker finally ride into the sunset? Will Lidija the wife and the mother finally go mad cause of City Cowboy's crazy plans :) :) :) ?!?! And will guests finally arrive?!?! Read in the next exiting chapter of Agricola live: The roller-coaster ride!! To be continued!!!